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The Park Place - Underhill Avenue Block Association

The Park Place – Underhill Avenue Block Association (“PPUABA”) is one of the oldest block associations in New York City, having operated continuously since 1956. The association covers two blocks of Park Place from Vanderbilt Avenue to Washington Avenue; two blocks of Underhill Avenue from Prospect Place to Sterling Place; and 673-675 Vanderbilt Avenue, which has significant frontage on Park Place - all in the Prospect Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY.

The block association is primarily concerned with improving the appearance, maintenance and safety of our blocks as well as nurturing neighborly contacts; additionally promoting closer contact between residents and elected officials; and encouraging a deeper interest in the physical and social conditions and problems of the Prospect Heights community of which we are a part.

Events and activities
The association holds monthly meetings, traditionally in the home of a resident. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic we switched our meetings to videoconference, but as of Sep 2022, meetings are hybrid in-person and videoconference so that members can attend however they are most comfortable. PPUABA sponsors social, charitable and community improvement activities which are an opportunity for residents to work together and mingle socially as well as to raise money for community causes. Among these, our longest-standing traditions are an annual block party and plant sale; a “Fall Frolic” pot-luck dinner or other fall social event; and multi-family stoop sales. Funds raised from these events enable the block association to offer grants each year to community organizations or projects in our immediate neighborhood. PPUABA sends periodic emails containing community news and non-commercial “public service announcements” to our mailing list.

Since its founding by Daphne Weeks, a Trinidadian immigrant (a very accomplished steel drum player whose band played in the West Indian Day Parade for 26 years), the block association has reflected the diversity that helps to make our neighborhood a vibrant and wonderful place to live. Our members are renters, owners, long-term residents, newcomers, singles, families, couples, entrepreneurs, workers, students, retirees, of any gender identity, race or economic status – participation in our block association by all residents of our blocks is welcome and encouraged.

Membership in PPUABA is open to all residents of our blocks. To join, send your contact information to us by using the Join PPUABA page of this website. Membership is free, however we encourage members to contribute $10 (or more) per household per calendar year to help fund the association’s activities and to defray expenses. The Join PPUABA page has information about making your membership contribution.

PPUABA is governed by officers, elected each year by the membership. From June 2024 until June 2025, the officers are:

  • President: Teddy Theoharis
  • Vice Presidents: Peter Cobos and Joe Ostwald
  • Recording Secretary: Mary Dale
  • Communications Officer: Marc Gordon
  • Treasurer: Stacey Weinstein

To contact any of the PPUABA officers, please email:

More information about PPUABA
To join PPUABA, please supply your contact information here.
You can find PPUABA’s by-laws here: PPUABA By-laws
You can read PPUABA's recent emails here:  PPUABA emails.

Website information
To contact the PPUABA webmaster, Marc Gordon, responsible for the content of this website, please email or use the Contact page.

PPUABA gratefully acknowledges and appreciates the contribution of our own resident Daniel Deverell, who designed and developed this website. You can see Daniel’s personal website here.

  • © Park Place – Underhill Avenue Block Association