Published June 29, 2024
⏱️2 min read
Did you overlook or accidentally delete an email you received from PPUABA? No problem... you can retrieve any of the 20 most recent emails sent from the PPUABA email account by clicking here.
Do our emails sometimes go to your SPAM folder? Since PPUABA uses an emailing application to send emails, your email system may categorize our emails as spam and put them into your SPAM, JUNK, or BULK EMAIL folder instead of your Inbox. That may explain why you sometimes don't see our emails.
We certainly hope that you don't think our emails are spam, and that you'd like to read them. We highly recommend that you add our email addresses to your email system's "safe senders list", which means telling your email system not to send emails from our email addresses to the SPAM, JUNK or BULK MAIL folder. If you use Gmail, here's how to do it:
- Log in to your Gmail at www.gmail.com
- Click the gear icon in the top-right, and then "See All Settings".
- Click the "Filters and Blocked Addresses" tab.
- Click "Create a New Filter".
- In the pop-up window, in the "From" field, enter the email addresses you want whitelisted, i.e. ppuaba.webmaster@gmail.com and ppuaba.pres@gmail.com.
- Click "Create filter".
- Check the box "Never send it to Spam".
- Click "Create filter".
Another issue that may cause you to miss emails is that Gmail sometimes puts emails into your "Promotions" Inbox instead of your Primary Inbox where you are more likely to read them. If this happens with a PPUABA email, find any PPUABA email in your Promotions Inbox, drag it to your Primary Inbox, and then click "Yes" in the dialog box that opens in the lower left corner of your screen to tell Gmail to send all PPUABA emails to your Primary Inbox.
If you use AOL, Yahoo, or Outlook for your email, you can find instructions as to how to add our email addresses to your "safe senders list" here. If you use Earthlink, you can find the instructions here. Remember, the addresses you want to add as "safe senders" are ppuaba.webmaster@gmail.com, and ppuaba.pres@gmail.com.
Most other email systems also have a "safe senders" (sometimes called "whitelisting") capability - look for the Settings option, or Google the name of your email system and "whitelisting".